Recognizing Students Committed To Helping Others: Spaulding High School
Today, as students across the country engage in walk-outs and demand action to prevent future acts of gun violence, I am proud to announce the Spaulding High School community as March’s “Granite Staters of the Month,” recognizing the compassion and commitment to helping others that they displayed following the horrific shooting in Parkland, Florida.
In the wake of the February 14th shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, the Spaulding community in Rochester, New Hampshire, met to discuss how they could help the survivors and memorialize the 17 lives that were taken that day.
They decided to focus on expressing their love in this dark time and finding a way to send comfort to their peers in Parkland, Florida. Students, teachers, and faculty started an initiative — with members of the band, color guard, and Junior ROTC groups playing a leading role — to collect money to support the Stoneman Douglas community. Their efforts led to them raising $3,271 for the Parkland Community.
In recognition of the compassion and commitment to helping others that they displayed following the horrific shooting in Parkland, I am honored to recognize the entire Spaulding High School community as our March Granite Staters of the Month.
Watch the remarks that I delivered on the on the Senate Floor to recognize the community here:
If you know an exceptional Granite Stater that you would like to nominate to be recognized as a Granite Stater of the Month, visit my website here.